How to Create a Minimalist Home: Ultimate Guide + Free Checklist

You want to know how to create a beautiful minimalist home? But you’re overwhelmed with where and how to start?

What if I told you that it’s easier than you think it is? In fact, you can achieve the perfect minimalist interior today if you get started right away- I’m serious!

To help you start immediately and have the perfect minimalist living space as soon as possible, you just need to read through my ultimate guide on how to create a minimalist home. (Plus, I have crafted multiple FREE downloadable checklists that will help you on your journey.)

1. Introduction to Minimalism

First of all, minimalism is much more than just interior design. It’s a way of life that emphasizes on simplicity and intention. I mean, it’s no secret that life is more than just materialist possessions. Beautiful memories with family and friends, as well as challenging life situations, contribute to a meaningful existence. And what makes it fulfilling is embracing every moment in life and enjoying the journey.

Creating a minimalist home is the perfect way to start with this journey. Because it’s about creating a space where everything serves a purpose and brings joy to you.

Just imagine walking into a home where each item has its own place, and you’re surrounded by the things you love. This guide will show you how to achieve that!

1.1 What is Minimalism?

At its core, minimalism is about reducing excess to focus on what truly matters. But it is not only about decluttering your home; minimalism goes even deeper and further focuses on decluttering your mental and emotional space. In today’s world, where materialism has been an ongoing trend, many develop an emotional attachment to material things, which isn’t necessarily a terrible thing. Some materialistic possessions hold deep meanings to us but it’s not uncommon that we let these possessions define us as human beings.

And that obviously leads to emotional attachment and a loss of focus on the important matters in life. We tend to forget the significant things in life, like our relationships with our family and friends, which hold so much value. Instead, most people are on social media and focus on consumerism, which is not directly anyone’s fault, since that is what the economy is feeding us. We always want more. It’s never enough.

Now, when it comes to a minimalist home, many have this misconception that it means having an empty home. That’s not the case! The goal is not to throw everything out and just live with the necessities (that wouldn’t be wrong either). A minimalist home means having thoughtfully curated pieces in your home that serve a purpose and meaning to you and make you happy.

2. Benefits of a Minimalist Home

Before we dive into the how-to, let’s explore what’s in it for you once you embark on this journey to a minimalist interior. Just understanding how it positively affects you can help you stay motivated along this path!

  • Reduced Stress

Clutter can be a significant source of stress! And it’s no secret that chronically having high levels of cortisol has major health consequences in the long term. And we want to avoid that at all costs! A minimalist home can help you with that, since it’s all about decluttering unnecessary items that you don’t need anymore and only sticking with items that are meaningful and purposeful to you.

And this would automatically mean a clean home and a space that promotes a sense of calm and order. It’s easier to relax and unwind in a space that isn’t filled with visual noise.

I mean everyone has experienced this at least once: a long day filled with work or studying and where, due to all the stress, we forget to clean up. And by the end of the day, we’re too exhausted to do anything and just want to relax. And the next day, everything starts all over again, and we barely get the chance to clean up.

I have started this journey myself and can guarantee you that it really changes everything. It took me a couple of days since I live in a small space and got rid of anything that I don’t see as significant. Once my home got a little bit empty, I had a full grasp on how to use my space more effectively. And automatically, my home looked clean and tidy even on days when I didn’t feel like cleaning.

  • Increased Focus

When you live in a place where it’s constantly cluttered, it will distract you from doing anything! You won’t be able to focus on important things because there are too many objects competing for your attention. And when you can’t focus, you can’t get much work done, and that will ultimately make you feel more stressed. It’s an ongoing cycle!

But when you begin to minimize your possessions, there is a much smaller chance that you will get into this situation in the first place. And voilà, your productivity levels will increase since you are fully focused! There is nothing that could disrupt you now.

  • More Time

The two benefits mentioned are clear indicators for this one. When you have a clean and tidy home, you have more time for yourself and your preferred activities.

That is the best benefit for me, since time is the most valuable resource you inherently have. Since this year has begun, I have been dedicated to reading non-fiction books on self-improvement, and any book that I’ve read up until now has been talking about how crucial our time is.

We are so caught up in life that we forget that we’re living right now! We always think about “living life” in terms of the future, but we are living right now. Today? You are living today just once. I mean, let that sink in… just once, and that day won’t come back. Being busy has become the norm, and that makes it even more important that we do anything that can give us more time for ourselves.

  • Financial Benefits

You can save money when you adapt to minimalism. This is definitely no surprise. You start being more intentional with your purchases and focus more on quality over quantity. This means fewer impulse buys and less money spent on items you don’t really need!

  • Enhanced Aesthetic

A minimalist home often feels more spacious and aesthetically pleasing, especially when you intentionally decorate and create the home where you feel most comfortable. You’ll love the aesthetic since it’s one that makes you happy.

I found some of these benefits on the modernminimalism blog. You can check it out if you want to read more about it!

3. Preparing for Your Minimalist Journey

Before you start decluttering and redesigning your living space, it’s essential to prepare yourself mentally and set clear goals for yourself. We often start with a lot of motivation and many expectations and that isn’t wrong, but it’s important to set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) goals. And yes, I learned this in my international management degree! This will just help you stay realistic and keep you disciplined since you divide your goals into smaller ones that are manageable and easier.

3.1 Mindset Shift

Before you start the process of decluttering, I recommend that you delve deeper into the topic of minimalism. It is crucial that you understand the psychology of attachment and how you can eliminate material possessions without experiencing distress from their separation. Allow me to provide you with an idea of how this process could unfold.

  • Reflect on your goals

Think about why you want to embrace minimalism. Are you looking for more peace, more space, or simply tired of the clutter? Write down your reasons and keep them in mind as you go through the process. This reflection will keep you motivated and focused! I would also consider asking myself:

  1. What do I hope to achieve with minimalism?
  2. How will a minimalist home improve my life?
  3. What specific problems am I looking to solve?

Now you may think, “Why do I have to do this? I just want to decorate my home.” But trust me, asking yourself questions and diving deeper into the topic can really give you a vision and help you better understand what you are actually going for. Just try it, you won’t be disappointed!

  • Imagine your ideal home

Visualization helps you achieve the goal you’re striving for. I live by this principle for literally anything in my life. If I want something, I keep visualizing it in my head as often as possible. And to be honest with you, I achieve it every single time. I’m not a scientist, but I do have experience with this. So, my explanation would be that visualization serves as a constant reminder of your goals.

I mean, you’re seeing your goals in your mind. And therefore, you are kind of forced to stay committed because you are being reminded of it constantly. And I would recommend being as detailed as possible! Do not only imagine your home vaguely, but be as detailed as possible because it will help you design your home just perfectly. I know, I know this can be hard for some of you, which is totally fine! I will give you some tips.

  1. Create a vision board with images that inspire your minimalist aesthetic.
  2. Write a description of your ideal minimalist home, focusing on how it looks and feels.
  3. Consider using digital tools or apps to create mockups of your minimalist rooms.

My dear lovely readers, this will not disappoint you! The brain is truly fascinating.

  • Embrace letting go

You need to understand that letting go of excess doesn’t mean losing out. When you think about it so negatively, you are destined for failure, and I don’t mean this only for decorating! Rather, focus on the fact that you are creating space for things that truly matter to you. Put simply: Focus on the benefits you’ll gain rather than what you’re giving up.

Now let me give you some strategies!

  1. Practice gratitude for the items you’re releasing, acknowledging their role in your life.
  2. Remind yourself that memories reside in your mind and heart, not in objects.
  3. Celebrate each item you donate or discard as a step toward your ideal minimalist home.

3.2 Setting Goals

When you start to visualize constantly, it’s going to become easier for you to set clear goals on where and how to start.

  • Start Small

Definitely begin with a specific area or room. For example, you might start with your bedroom or a single closet. Because setting small, achievable goals makes the process less overwhelming. So, here are some examples of small and clear goals:

  1. Declutter one drawer a day.
  2. Clear off your kitchen counter by the end of the week.
  3. Simplify your wardrobe by donating five items you no longer wear.

I like to reward myself for goals achieved within a certain deadline. Whether it’s treating myself to something to eat (like sweets) or treating myself to a spa day, just choose something that will motivate you to keep going.

  • Create a Timeline

Now, this could be useful to some of you, and then for some not. I read a book about procrastination called “Eat that Frog” by Brian Tracy a while ago, and he explained that thinking on paper is crucial to getting things done that move you closer to your goal. He quoted Alan Lakein: “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” And I really loved that quote because planning helps you be as precise as possible about your steps toward your goal.

It just helps you to know that the goal isn’t that difficult to achieve, and that automatically motivates you to keep going. Still, I want to give you some tips:

  1. Break your goals into daily/weekly tasks.
  2. Schedule decluttering sessions on your calendar.
  3. Set deadlines for each room or area of your home.

  • Define Success

What does a successful minimalist home look like to you? Maybe it’s having clear surfaces, an organized closet, or a serene living room. It really depends on you. You really need to define what success means to you and use it as a benchmark.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • How will I know when my home feels minimalist?
  • What specific changes will make me feel accomplished?
  • How do I want to feel in my minimalist home?

4. Decluttering Your Home

I think it should be clear that decluttering is the cornerstone of creating a minimalist home. It involves going through your possessions and deciding what to keep, what to donate, and what to discard. So, let’s break down the process step by step.

4.1 General Decluttering Tips

  • Set Aside Time

In the last topic, I gave you the tip to schedule your decluttering sessions on your calendar. This is really important because you are strategically creating time for the sole purpose of decluttering. This helps you keep yourself accountable and makes it all more serious. If you start whenever you want and do it randomly or in big chunks, you will probably not stay consistent with it. Consistent, smaller sessions can be more productive than marathon efforts.

I will give you some tips here.

  1. Use a timer to set 30-60 minute decluttering sessions.
  2. Plan sessions around your peak energy times (e.g., mornings or weekends).
  3. Reward yourself after each session to stay motivated.

  • Have Boxes Ready

I recommend preparing boxes with the labels “Keep,” “Donate,” “Sell,” and “Discard.” This makes sorting items easier and more organized! Some tips from me would be to

  1. Keep your boxes or bags in a central location.
  2. Clearly label each box to avoid confusion.
  3. Consider using a separate box for items you’re unsure about, revisiting them later.

Always put these boxes in the area where you are going to declutter next. Because when everything is prepared and you’re able to get started immediately, it’s much more likely that you will stay consistent. It’s just easier to tackle.

  • Ask Key Questions

In order for you to decide whether to keep, donate, sell, or discard an item, you need to ask yourself some key questions that will make it easier for you to decide.

  1. Do I use it regularly?
  2. Does it add value to my life?
  3. Would I buy it again?
  4. Does this item bring me joy or serve a specific purpose?
  5. Is it worth the space it occupies in my home?
  6. Am I keeping it out of obligation or guilt?

  • Stay Focused

Work on one area at a time. Don’t move on to another room until you’ve finished the current one. You have to stay disciplined in order to finish everything. My tips would be to

  1. Create a checklist for each room or area. If you don’t feel like creating one, than just take the ones I have created just for you!
  1. Avoid distractions like phone notifications or TV during decluttering.
  2. Set clear boundaries for each session, such as a specific drawer or closet section.

4.2 Room-by-Room Decluttering

It is time for us to go through the decluttering process room-by-room. Because each area has unique challenges and requires different approaches.

  • Living Room
minimalist living room with a white couch, a wooden coffee table with avase, book and candle on top and beige rug

The living room consists of big furniture pieces that take up a lot of space. You should start by removing any furniture that’s not essential or doesn’t fit the minimalist aesthetic. If you are considering buying a new furniture piece or you are just moving in and need to buy furniture pieces, think about choosing multi-functional furniture that serves more than just one purpose.

And due to their multifunctionality, you are saving space!

I’m pretty sure that you have decor and other items on these furniture pieces, so we need to take care of them first. Start by removing everything from shelves and surfaces, and sort all of these items into the boxes I’ve mentioned before.

You can put the ones that you’ve chosen to keep back in their places or redecorate them. Or maybe you would like to rearrange your furniture, which would be better done before putting the items back. It’s really up to your preferences.

What I would also like to mention is that you should minimize electronics and their visibility. Consider hiding cables and wires to keep the area tidy, and store remote controls in a designated spot. Constantly being faced with clutter can be overwhelming!

  • Bedroom
minimalist bedroom with a bed, a long mirror, bedside table and a dresser

I know that it can be overwhelming to start with the bedroom since there is a lot going on and many essentials lie in that room. Just start by emptying out that room besides the big furniture pieces like your bed.

If you think that a rearrangement is needed, then go for it! Clean off the dust and make sure you have arranged it in a way that fits your vision of a minimalist interior. Then start by simplifying your bed.

Your bed is the centerpiece in the bedroom and truly sets the overall aesthetic of your room. I would recommend keeping your bed setup simple with minimal pillows and a neutral bedspread. Also, choose high-quality bedding! It not only looks good, but it also enhances your sleep.

Afterwards, I would move on to the closet and declutter it. I think the majority of us have a lot of decluttering to do within our closets because I, for example, tend to have clothes lying in there that I’ve stopped wearing since forever. We want to prevent that!

Sort through your clothes and keep only what you wear regularly! Donate or sell items that no longer fit or suit your style. It’s as simple as that. And when it comes to organizing them, you can choose how exactly you want to structure your closet since it’s very individualistic due to the closet design.

What’s left in that room would be dressers, desks, and nightstands. Again, get rid of everything, get your boxes, and sort through them! Anything unnecessary and unused should go.

  • Kitchen
minimalist kitchen with a small dining table and two chairs

It’s better if you start by emptying out your kitchen cabinets and drawers first. It helps you see what you have put in there and what is being used often, as well as what has been forgotten in there.

Again, get these boxes and start sorting them out. And after you’re done with that, you can start organizing your drawers and cabinets by category and frequency of use. When everything is done, you can move on to the outer appearance of your kitchen, such as your kitchen countertop.

I personally keep my counter as clear as possible and only keep essential items, such as specific appliances, on it. If you have a pantry, sort everything by category and expiration date. That will help you have an overview of your groceries. You can also buy containers for dried goods to keep them organized and visible.

  • Bathroom
minimalist bathroom

A lot of clutter can accumulate in bathrooms. So, in order for us to achieve that minimalist bathroom aesthetic, we need to empty everything out and sort all items with the boxes.

I advise you to invest in a couple of baskets or bins to put your essential products in and prevent them from cluttering your counter. The same goes for under the sink and cabinets!

Just store your daily essentials within reach, and the other items won’t matter as much. When you store everything in baskets, you achieve that clean minimal aesthetic, and it’s practical because you can sort by categories like skincare, ensuring everything is within reach.

  • Home Office
white home office aesthetic

If you study or work a lot at home, then we can’t forget the home office! Now I’ve mentioned the desk in your bedroom, but it’s really important to mention it separately.

A clean and tidy home office desk is crucial for your productivity and focus, so be intentional about what you put on your desk and how you arrange it. It’s not uncommon for papers to accumulate there; therefore, start by sorting them out. I’d recommend using a filing system to keep everything organized.

Definitely keep as few items as possible on your desk because it can be very easy to get distracted and procrastinate, even with unnecessary items. Use organizers for everything else to prevent clutter. This will also help block you from distractions.

On our desk, the magic happens. It’s the place that can contribute to extreme life changes, and we want to keep working hard, so keeping it organized will already help you a lot.

5. How to Create Your Minimalist Home

With your home decluttered, it’s time to focus on designing a minimalist space that’s both functional and beautiful. We are going to cover some important aspects that will help you get a grasp on how to choose the right furniture, color schemes, and materials. In the end, you will have a very good understanding of what exactly you want to achieve.

5.1 Furniture and Layout

Minimalist furniture is typically characterized by clean lines, simple shapes, and functionality. The layout should also promote open spaces and easy movement. However, we will delve deeper into that.

  • Choosing Minimalist Furniture

Quality over quantity is what I live by. I think it is much better for you and your finances to invest in a few high-quality pieces rather than filling the room with numerous items. Quality furniture just lasts much longer and most of the time, looks much better than cheaper furniture.

I would rather invest in good furniture once than have to change it often because of the quality.

Another aspect you should consider is using multifunctional furniture. For example, a sofa bed or a coffee table with storage can maximize functionality in a minimalist space.

And for the sake of a minimalist aesthetic, choose furniture that has simple designs and clean lines. Avoid overly ornate pieces that can contribute to visual clutter.

Luckily, I have created a minimalist furniture selection checklist for you! I have listed every minimalist characteristic for every furniture piece, so just you just have to tick it off your list. I just want to mention that I have written “neutral tones” in almost every furniture checklist, but you’re more than welcome to add some color to your furniture pieces. It’s mostly for the people who would like to strictly follow the minimalist home aesthetic. Enjoy!

5.2 Arranging Furniture

When it comes to arranging your furniture, you have many options, and it very much depends on your space. But there are some general minimalist style tips and tricks you can use that will elevate your space regardless. These include

  • Open Space
open space living room (how to create a minimalist home)

Regardless of how small your space is, you can arrange your furniture in a way that creates open spaces. Definitely avoid overcrowding rooms with too much furniture. It just restricts your movement and can make it look cluttered.

You should choose which furniture pieces are absolutely necessary for you to have in your room and then arrange them in a way where you can have a lot of space.

  • Focal Points
living room with a fireplace (how to create a minimalist home)

Create a focal point in every room, such as a fireplace, a large window, or a piece of art. It’s really up to you here, so feel free to try different things out. This just helps guide the layout and maintain focus.

  • Balance and Proportion
minimalist bedroom

Make sure that your furniture is proportional to the size of the room, and you should also balance heavier pieces with lighter ones to create a harmonious look. Since it’s really individualistic, there is no way for me to give clear instructions. But I guarantee you, you will find the best way!

5.3 Color Schemes

Colors play a significant role in minimalist design because there are certain minimalist colors that are a must for creating a minimalist home. Since a simple home means calmness and peace, you would want to stick with color palettes that just give off that vibe.

I didn’t want to make it boring, so I decided to create a really simple infographic that should give you some ideas on which color fits best for your home. I’m pretty new to infographics, so bear with me here, as it is not the most perfect one. The information is what counts.

There are still some tips I want to give you that you should consider. I mentioned a couple of colors, but it’s important to know that you should use different shades of the same color for depth. Another tip is to use natural materials like wood or stone for more texture. It’s not just color that’s important. Lastly, avoid mixing too many colors or patterns.

You don’t want to come home and be confronted with visual clutter, but rather a home that looks more harmonious.

5.4 Textures and Materials

Adding textures and materials is a game changer when it comes to a minimalist house. They add warmth without adding any clutter to your space. Now what matters is that you pick the right textures and materials for your home.

  • Selecting Textures

I think it is a must to add natural materials like wood, stone, or linen. It really adds warmth to your space and makes it more comfortable. And let’s be honest, it just looks good and high-quality. There are plenty of ways to incorporate them into your home, whether you buy wooden furniture or simply add some decor pieces made of these textures.

What I would also add are soft textures like wool, cotton, or velvet. These textures create a cozy atmosphere and make your home look soft and welcoming. It’s definitely something that you should consider.

And when you add both as a combination in your home, trust me, you’ll feel so welcome and happy in your home. Nature just has a beautiful effect on us and is proven to calm us, so you are missing out if you skip it!

  • Choosing Materials

Whenever possible, choose eco-friendly materials that are sustainably sourced. This aligns with the minimalist principle of intentional living. It will feel much better if you know that you’re doing something good for the world, and yes, it makes a difference even if only you are doing it!

Another important tip is to choose durable materials that last long enough. I have already mentioned this, but I would love to remind you again. Quality over quantity! This also ensures that your minimalist home remains beautiful and functional over time!

6. Minimalist Home Organization

Once you’ve decluttered and designed your minimalist home, it’s time to organize your space effectively! Good organization is key to maintaining a minimalist environment and making your home functional.

6.1 Minimalist Storage Solutions

Storage solutions are a must for a minimalist home. They help you organize your house and give you more space. It just looks clean and tidy! So, here are some ideas.

  • Built-In Storage

You can utilize vertical space by investing in built-in shelving or cabinets that could reach up to the ceiling. This not only saves floor space but also looks amazing.

Hidden storage is also a gem for minimalist homes. There are certain things that we don’t want to have visibly appear in our homes, so hidden storage solutions are the way to go! For example, use cabinets with flat fronts or built-in storage benches.

  • Freestanding Storage

You can choose simple, open shelving units that provide storage without adding bulk. This isn’t anything special and is very common. You have more possibilities to store your items, and by organizing them in a strategic way, you create a clean and tidy aesthetic.

You can add some decor, and it will look even better!

Another option would be to invest in some baskets. You could use them for your shelves and cabinets, which look very good and remove clutter. Just make sure that they fit your home aesthetic.

Multifunctional furniture is also an alternative. You can buy a coffee table with built-in storage, which helps prevent clutter from accumulating there. And you don’t have to invest in extra storage solutions that could take up more space, since a coffee table is mostly a must in a home.

6.2 Maintaining Order

Now that we have discussed almost every aspect of how to create a minimalist home, it’s time to discuss how to maintain it that way. It would be a waste of time to create such a perfect home but end up having it revert back to its previous state because you don’t have a clear system for maintaining it. It requires regular upkeep and mindful habits. Here’s how to keep your space organized:

  • Regular Decluttering

As I’ve mentioned before, create a clear schedule where you make time for your decluttering sessions. It will keep you in check for any clutter that is accumulating in your home, and you can react quickly. This will just prevent it from getting bigger and bigger. This could be monthly or seasonally, depending on your needs and time.

You can use some methods here, like the one-in, one-out rule. For every new item you bring into your home, remove one item. Letting go will become easier and easier over time with the help of this method.

  • Daily Habits

I would say that spending a few minutes each day tidying up will do wonders for you. When you clean every day, you are saving your time for the future. Clear surfaces, put things back in their place, and address any minor messes before they become overwhelming. Now this definitely needs discipline, but push through! When it gets too much, it will be much worth it, so you might as well do it now before it gets worse.

You can do this by putting things immediately back in their place after you’re done using them. It’s actually as simple as that.

7. Minimalist Decor

I have already mentioned a lot, but I would love to give you some advice on minimalist decor. I mean, there is a lot of content on my page that you’re really welcome to read and share your thoughts, but there are some general “rules” that I would like to add here.

  • Choosing Minimalist Decor

Less is more. I know this is commonly known for minimalist decor, but I always remind everyone. You don’t need everything. Single pieces can already make a lot of difference, and buying more would defeat the purpose of a minimalist home.

And choose pieces that add a purpose to your life. I can’t give you specific advice here because everyone has different views. I’m sure you’ll know yourself!

Because we are talking about how to create a minimalist space, I must mention that it would be crucial to stick to simple designs. Just avoid overly ornate or busy patterns that can detract from the minimalist look.


Oh man, that was a journey! I’m pretty certain that this guide will help you on your way to creating a minimalist home. As you’ve read, creating and maintaining a minimalist home isn’t as easy as it looks. But trust me, once you get the grasp of it, it will be easy, and you will love your home so much!

And the daily habits that you are creating for the sake of a minimalist home will also guide you in other areas of life. When you start to become disciplined in one area of your life, it usually spills over into other areas of your life.

And besides that, creating a minimalist home will prove to you how much it is worth because you will feel so much better and calmer. I really wish you the best on your journey and hope that you feel content and fulfilled with your minimalist space!

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